
"You know, Hui Ying, the right way isn't always the easiest option. There will be difficulties, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't keep doing the right thing. That's what Maura Cullen taught us too, you know, just because everyone else is doing it, that doesn't mean that it is the right thing."
- A quote from a in car conversation with Ushi, my teacher and my buddy

Every day, we are making decisions, making choices. More often than not, we slack and chose the easier way. We gave ourselves the chance to get away with delaying that homework, eating that bag of chips, skipping that early lecture, not going to church, not facing the hard reality, not telling the whole truth...

Deep down, we know what is the right thing to do, the right thing to say. We just didn't push ourselves to take the more difficult path, why? Because people always say, why make things hard for yourself?

That is the most wrong statement. We should never aim to make things easier for ourselves. We should be constantly making conscious, right decisions. Any trouble that we take, it will pay off in time. All the slack, the bad decisions will snow ball into huge sh*t that gets harder to clear off eventually.

Don't let anyone tell you what to do. Listen to your heart, the Angel side, that always nags at you to take the harder path, because your angel knows where you truly wanna go.

Random fact: Harry Potter Musical was awesome!!!! I fell in love with Prof Quirrell, Voldemort and Draco Malfoy. A must see student production.

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