
I've never ever really believed in destiny or fate. But it struck me one day when I was humming in the showers, “这世界两个人能相遇不容易~~- it is really hard for two people to meet one another in this world"

Just imagine, in the world population of 6,706,993,152 people, the possible matches of 2 people meeting one another...the possible combinations are 2.25 * 10^19. So, me meeting you, the reader of this post, is a miracle that can occur with probability 4.45*10^-20, basically approximating 0.

It is indeed nothing less of a miracle that I am here, in Ann Arbor, studying actuarial math, pursuing my dreams, with a huge bunch of cool people, and the warmest support of my family and buddies in Malaysia.

Along my way here, if I was born in a different country, if I was taught by different people, if I've messed up my SPM, if I've skipped a grade, if I've chosen another college, if I was struck by a mishap, if anything along this intricate web of fate had happened differently.....

I would never have met everyone of these special people that makes my life worth living.

Maybe there is destiny after all, or how on earth could I have met you, laughed at that same lame joke, tasted the world's hottest most delicious sambal belacan, screamed together at the top of our throats on that thrilling ride, sang out of tune at the same song, shared that magical moment of connection, shared that same look of disgust, cried at the same movie, gossipped about the same cute guy, played on the same table/court, danced at the same song, sang at the same makmal biologi, or even just brushed shoulders on the road...

So, how can I ever stop saying, thank you Lord for knitting the most beautiful web of fate for me. I shall cherish every moment, every encounter along my way.

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