My jobs

In Fall 2008, I started a new semester with a lot of new obligations, which I shall steal some of my work time to record.

I started my position as a Resident Advisor in Smith House, Baits I. The training was fun and I love all my resstaff colleagues who are bursting with energy, passion and enthusiasm for their positions. It was fun meeting the new incoming freshmen, returning residents and their family. I was envious of them having their parents' company when they start college. Most of them were friendly and excited for their college life. And Welcome week was a blast (^__^)

Then, duties and community center shifts started. After first being scheduled to work on Fridays in Baits II, I was scheduled back to Baits I, but to the only shift open, Saturday night shift ==||, I was like, maybe I can skip weekend rounds by doing this, and there should be fewer people in need of service on weekends, so I complied and took it. So, it's farewell Saturday night of fun, but Hi Saturday night of work/study. But the residents' friendliness, my study buddy, and occasional Jenga games surprised me. The shift isn't too bad after all. At least I still have my Fridays.(after I am done with weekend rounds, YES!!)*hint*hint* Apart from rare alcohol incidents, my duty nights were fairly uneventful.

For me, the toughest part of the job is failing my expectations and learning to accept my failures, which is also like coping with a lower expectations and striving to uphold my true obligations. Basically, I am a lazy bum and a timid introvert at times when I am suppose to be the forever burning, warm, approachable fireball. And facing residents' passive reactions like a perseverant salesperson is a huge challenge. At times, I just feel like quitting and revert back to my comfort zone, the snug kampung Malaysia and my clumps. But, I know I need to grow up and challenge myself to break that ice, cross that wall, strengthen my discipline and ketebalan muka.

Second job is tutoring in the Math Lab, after digging out my old homework and gaining new insights (aka answers and solutions) from Mark and other math Gods,I am finally able to help people properly. Teaching is really fun when you know your stuff. But, occasional mistakes still or the absence of it is part and parcel of the job. I guess they take the risk when they chose to seek help from us student tutors.

Third job, event coordinator of UMIMSA. Super duper fun with the coolest board, and most helpful co-coordinator. Learned the importance of booking venues ASAP and not carrying 5 bottles of pop in a backpack (will sprain and hurt your spine, for real). Accomodating lots of pop and chips in my room, finding cheapest food stuff for events, and writing attractive event description to tempt fellow Malaysians to show up. Satu rahsia, junior-junior Malaysian best, mudah dipujuk dan sangat comel (^__^)Love chilling in the best kampung ever!

Ex-job, Blue Apple, used to have high aspirations and passion for sandwich and pizza-making; lost it due to better wages and hours at the math lab. But the boss there memang best. John Pavlic, he motivates the crew to their best, teaches newbies patiently, is the most understanding supervisor I ever had. Finally left after being depressed about my Sunday dish-washing and 7am stocking shifts.

Written at the community center of Parker, Baits I
11pm Saturday Oct 4th