Privilege Vs Luck

I am blessed, there are always people around me to help me, to give me that crucial push and pull when I fell.

I dunno why, but I feel guilty.
I took a shortcut, with senior's kind assistance, I can register for the class I want to take so badly...but I feel as if I had done sth really bad, hurting someone that I dunt even know whether they exist. I feel like I have taken some opportunities away from innocent ppl that work hard to earn their credits and priority...

But if I didn't do so, I would never have the chance to take the piano class that I love...
When there is door to my goal, how can I walk away?
It's just a favor, a short cut, the only way to reach the destination...but I just can't purge my guilt (a silly feeling in this practical world...)

I really feel thankful to all these helpful seniors and friends. It is my problem, I just don't know what is right or wrong anymore...

Ahhh, I should just stop thinking too much and just follow the path life takes me...

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