
New updates on my life...for anyone who cares or is too bored to find something soporific to read...

1. Started working about a month ago, in the Blue Apple and Bursley dining hall recently.
Working is a very unique experience, I learn a lot of new stuff : i learned to make superb
smoothies, pizza, sandwiches and serve food. I met a lot of great and nice people at work, they are always so forgiving and understanding to my clumsiness. Thousand apologies...for all my stupid mistakes and blunders. I now know how hard it is to earn money and will learn to spend wisely. I am determined...not to ask any money from my family...I must be responsible for my own expenses...if possible..i should even be bring jiayong(家用)to them...

2. Studies is still the same, glad that I am faring well in my Japanese class, econs and calculus...still manageable...the lecturers in Umich is super! They are so wise and dedicated and enthusiastic. I am so fortunate to have the chance to study here.

3. Looking forward to the Chicago trip on Thanksgiving, hopefully can find the external hard drive I desperately need rite now at cheap price...hee..downloaded too much movies and dramas on my laptop already...sudah saturated...the disk space...

4. Loving my ballroom dancing lessons on sundays though I must admit, good partners are a rare find...even though uncles and grandpas aren't too bad at dancing...haha...wishing I can meet good partners in all the lessons (what a wishful thought!)

5. Missing home...humans are really stupid, only when we are separated or lost something will we learn how much they mean to us...~Malaysia truly Asia~sigh...i miss INTEC, Petaling Street, and the heavenly hawker food in my hometown...haaaaaaaaizzzz....and most of all, my beloved tomodachi~kawan-rakan-sahabat-friends-朋友 and family。。。。

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