What would you do if you realize that whatever you do will never alter the outcome?
A TED talk guru talked about happiness, link here: http://www.ted.com/talks/srikumar_rao_plug_into_your_hard_wired_happiness.html
A summary of his talk: Happiness is about being contented at the current status quo and being invested in every process in life. We get frustrated often times because we were too invested in the outcome, and the disappointment that comes when we fail to achieve the planned goal. If we can change that perspective and take time to appreciate every step we take, and give our best efforts, true happiness will follow.
If we love every part of our life, our body just as we would smile at the sheer perfection of a rainbow, a lush grass plain, an unaltered form of nature, just the way they are, we can then plug in to our innate ability to be happy.
I am happy for everything I have, for your being in my life, and reading all my self-help-guru-style posts. I pray you find true joy and happiness in your life too.
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