
Why do we study?
For fun? i dun think soo...
For our parents' hope?
For our passion?
What are we actually pursuing in life?
Do wealth and success in academics guarantee our happiness?
I really dun get it...
After watching Hotel Rwanda, i find that i am blessed and fortunate...
i got all the love i need with all my family and friends,
what else am i asking for, that seems too greedy and sinful...
i already have what some yearns for all their lives,
loving parents,
peaceful hometown,
comfortable life,
food (though not too delicious),
normal health,
infinite list...

i think we should all watch more reality documentaries that remind us to be thankful
and not to be frustrated with tiny downfalls in life...

Life is beautiful! i am sure...

love urself and love ur life....

ha...guess I am just pissed with the workload of Calculus,
i really suck at it...

nonetheless, i will find my worth..my strength to hold on, to fight on, to survive and reignite
my passion for math...

1 comment:

  1. To my friend Hui Ying....

    We exist because of a purpose, and that purpose defines your purpose in the world. It's something common to realize that we seems just on the earth for nothing, eating, sleeping, and awaiting for death that'll comes tens of years later, but it's also important to know the importance of utilizing every moment of your life to contribute to the world and beyond, even if you doubt our own existence in this world. You should know the painfulness borne by Qu Yuan, being the "one who is awake when others are drunken". It's not a neccesity to join the drunken ones, but it's of utmost importance to do what you think is right, and can benefit the world--no matter if you believe this world exist or you yourself exist. This, to me, is the purpose of studying, of existing, of living.

    gong mian zhi
