I passed an actuarial exam, and received a generous Bravo award from my inspiring and caring manager. Work life never fails to inspire and to challenge me.
I met a few more amazing people at a gathering celebrating the exam being over. It's a huge relief to know that there are people in the same boat as I am, carving a niche in a new environment, working towards a dream that seems so vague and pointless at times.
"You have to embrace your youth; that's what we have to do..." - a quote from an ultimate Frisbee player/adventurer
What is my youth?
A serene, carefree sojourn to entertain my thoughts, occasion delightful conversations with unexpected acquaintances in life, constant quest for knowledge and curiosity, regular observations of humanity, and random acts of kindness around me ^-^
I think I am slowly finding a pace, a beat, a rhythm to the life that I want.
It's never easy to tell what we need from what we want. I could be entirely wrong.
What is life without the privilege of making dumb mistakes and laughing about it?
congratulations, Hui Ying! :)